Zapraszam na muzyczny wpis.

1. For a song – If you buy or sell something for a song, it means it is very cheap. (za bezcen, za półdarmo, za nic)
I bought this dress for a song.

2. Elevator music – Soft, pleasant but boring music often played quietly in public spaces (lekka muzyka nadawana przez głośniki, np. w sklepach, na dworcach)
I usually like his songs, but his new album just sounds like elevator music.

3. Sound like a broken record – Someone who repeats the same thing again and again (powtarzać się w kółko, brzmieć jak zdarta płyta)
I feel like a broken record but I can’t stop talking about the loss.

4. Blow your own trumpet – Proudly boasting about your own achievements, talents, or successes (chwalić się, lansować się)
I don’t want to blow my own trumpet, but I think it’s pretty good.

5. Music to my ears – Good news; information that makes someone happy (być muzyką dla czyichś uszu, sprawiać przyjemność)
His words were music to my ears.

6. Face the music – To accept unpleasant consequences or an unpleasant reality (wypić piwo, którego się nawarzyło, ponieść konsekwencje)
You did a bad thing and now you have to face the music.

7. Play by ear – To perform (or play an instrument) without practice or preparation; indicate uncertainty in a situation (improwizować, podejmować działania bez przygotowania, planu)
Maybe we should play it by ear and see what happens.

8. As fit as a fiddle – To be in good health (zdrów jak ryba)
She’s as fit as a fiddle.

9. Change one’s tune – If you change your tune, you change your opinion about something, especially because you know it will bring you an advantage. (zmienić śpiewkę, zaśpiewać na inną melodię (np. aby osiągnąć jakąś korzyść)
She changed her tune about children when she got married and had her own.

10. Ring a bell – If something rings a bell, you think you have heard it somewhere before.(brzmieć znajomo)
The name rang a bell but I couldn’t remember where I had heard it before.

11. Blow the whistle – You blow the whistle if you report an illegal or socially-harmful activity to the authorities, and give information about those responsible for it. (donosić, wydawać, zadenuncjować)
The company stopped using certain chemicals only after some workers blew the whistle on it.

12. As clean as a whistle – Used to describe something that is extremely clean (czysty jak łza)
Her private life is as clean as a whistle.

13. Play second fiddle -This is used to describe the person who takes a subordinate role behind someone more important. (grać drugorzędną rolę, pozostawać w cieniu)
She doesn’t want to play second fiddle to her sister any more. (Ona nie chce dłużej pozostawać w cieniu swojej siostry.)

14. It takes to tango – This is used to suggest that when things go wrong, both sides are involved and neither party is completely innocent. (Do tanga trzeba dwojga)
Fiona blames John for the breakup of their marriage, but it takes two to tango.

15. Swan Song – This expression is used to describe a final act before dying or ending something (łabędzi śpiew, ostatnie dzieło artysty przed śmiercią lub emeryturą)
This building turned out to be the swan song of Victorian architecture.

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